Rodeo & Xtreme Bulls
Rodeo: Eight (8) separate events are held each night of the rodeo: bareback riding, steer wrestling, team roping, tie-down roping, saddle bronc riding, barrel racing, break-away roping, and bull riding. Learn more about each event here.
Xtreme Bulls: The world’s top bull riders will converge at this event to attempt riding the baddest, meanest, rankest one-ton athletes in the world. These bulls have thrown cowboys at the largest rodeo venues in the world.
The rodeo will be held Wednesday through Friday evenings of the fair with a 6:30pm start. The Rodeo Slack * will be Thursday & Friday morning at 9:00am. Xtreme Bulls will start Saturday at 11:00am.
* Thursday & Friday, at 9:00am, come see the Rodeo Slack event. Rodeo Slack is for the overflow contestants that wouldn't quite fit in the highlighted nightly rodeo. There looks to be over 200 competitors at this FREE event.
Thursday - Barrel racing and break-away roping
Friday - Timed events
All rodeo events will be live/streamed on the Cowboy Channel!

At the Gate Rodeo
Ticket Pricing:
General Admission $25
Seniors (62 and older) $20
Military $20
Kids (6-12 years) $20
At the Gate Xtreme Bulls Ticket Pricing:
General Admission $30
Seniors (62 and older) $25
Military $25
Kids (6-12 years) $25
Purchasing your ticket
in advance includes
your fair admission.
PRCA Photography Policy
Fans may take photos from the stands, but only with cell phones or small cameras that have lenses smaller than 3". Those caught using cameras with a lens attachment, without proper credentials, will be expelled from the rodeo grounds. The unauthorized sale of any photographs or videos taken at a PRCA rodeo is prohibited.

George Nixon - Rodeo Director